PETA Puts Up Billboard in Baltimore Telling People to Stop Eating Crabs

PETA has put up a billboard near downtown Baltimore that is not going over well with people. Why? Well, there's at least three things you don't want to talk trash about to people from Baltimore. The Orioles, the Ravens and crabs. And PETA's billboard takes a shot at people eating crabs. The billboard says, "I'm ME, Not MEAT. See the individual. Go Vegan." It's on top of the Silver Moon II restaurant at 801 E Baltimore St., not far from a number of seafood restaurants and will be still up during the Baltimore Seafood Festival on September 15th.

PETA claims the negative reaction from locals is what was intended with the billboard. PETA's Executive Vice President says, "PETA's billboard aims to give Charm City some food for thought about sparing sensitive marine animals the agony of being boiled alive or crushed to death in fishing nets simply by going vegan."


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