Killer, the Famous Unofficial Cat Mayor of Hampden, Has Died

If live in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore or are a frequent visitor, you probably know Killer. Despite the name, Killer was a friendly orange tabby who frequently roamed the Avenue for years, becoming the de-facto "Cat Mayor" of Hampden.

With sadness, Killer passed away yesterday (May 21st). He died peacefully and was 14 years old. Killer had a heart murmur when he was a stray kitten and it got worse last year. He had to stay at the vet for a couple of days in October and nearly died, but started taking some meds and was able to return home.

Killer has his own Instagram account, documenting his many travels and special moments in Hampden amongst his many friends. He even helped raise a lot of money for BARCS Animal Shelter in Baltimore.

Killer's mom is asking for a $14 donation (one dollar for every year of Killer's life) with "Killer" in the comments to be made to BARCS to help homeless pets in the city.

"They say the sun never sets on a legend, and Killer will most certainly go down in Hampden history as a legend. Unofficial mayor, charismatic charity ambassador, sushi lover, and friend to all."

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