If you've ever opened a copy of the Guinness Book of World Records, you'll find some of the most irrelevant records. Like most t-shirts removed while heading a soccer ball, heaviest weight lifted by the tongue, and most toilet seats broken by someone's head in one minute.
But one legitimate record the world should about know is the longest continuous fart in the history of mankind.
This dude who calls himself "Mr. Methane" attempts to set the mark on video for the world to see. After exclaiming he is about to burst, the timer starts and Mr. Methane carefully lets out a 59-second long fart that sounds reminiscent to having a gnat flying close to one of your ears.
Who knows if this is a world record, but regardless they probably had to evacuate the building after that.
Dude Uses Walmart Intercom to Broadcast a Fart to Shoppers (VIDEO)