Photo: Getty Images
When it comes to mailing letters, many people do it by dropping their envelopes in the United States Postal Service's blue collection bins placed in neighborhoods across America. However, the USPS is now warning would-be mailers that those blue boxes might not be the safest option.
In a press release, the Postal Service explained that unfortunately, the collection bins have become very attractive to thieves looking to steal identities or checks, especially at specific times and on specific days. The agency stated, "The biggest variable enticing these criminals to steal are customers depositing mail into blue collection boxes after the last collection of the day or during Sundays and federal holidays."
To protect residents wanting to use their services, the USPS has some advice, stating, "If customers simply used retail service or inside wall drop slots to send their U.S. Mail, instead of depositing it to sit outside overnight or through the weekend, blue collection boxes would not be as enticing after business hours to mail thieves for identity theft and check-washing schemes."
In a list of tips, they also suggest, "The most secure way to send mail is through the local Post Office retail counter. If that is not feasible, the next safest way is to use the inside collection slots that deposit mail directly into the Post Office. If using the Postal Service’s outside blue collection boxes, never deposit mail after the last dispatch time. Each box has dispatch times printed on a label, and it will point you to the location for the latest pickup time in your area. Avoid depositing mail during the night, Sundays, and federal holidays."
In the off chance you happen to pass by one of the blue mailboxes and spot someone who doesn't look like a postal employee rummaging through it, especially during non-postal work hours, the USPS asks that you report it to your local police or call postal inspectors at 877-876-2455. Best of all, if you stop a bad guy, it won't go unnoticed. To incentivize people to call in suspicious activity and help curb mail theft, the USPS is offering rewards of up to $10,000 to anyone whose tip helps catch the thieves.